Иосиф Гурко и Тверская земля - возвращение памяти
Mulhern D.M., Jones E.B. 2005. Test of revised method of age estimation from the auricular surface of the ilium // American Journal of Physical Anthropol- ogy. V. 126. No. 1. P. 61–65. Oezaslan A., Iscan M.Y., Oezaslan I., Tugcu H., Koc S. 2003. Estimation of stat- ure from body parts // Forensic Science International. V. 132. No. 1. P. 40– 45. Phenice T.W. 1969. A newly developed visual method of sexing the os pubis // American Journal of Physical Anthropology. V. 30. No. 2. P. 297–301. Rösing F.W. 1988. Körperhöhernrekonstruktion aus Skelettmassen // Anthropo- logie: Handbuch der Vergleichenden Biologie des Menschen. Stuttgart: Gus- tav Fischer. S. 586–600. Schmitt A. 2004. Age-at-death assessment using the os pubis and the auricular surface of the ilium: a test on an identified Asian sample // International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. V. 14. No. 1. P. 1–6. Sjovold T. 2000. Stature estimation from the skeleton // Encyclopedia of Foren- sic Sciences. London: Academic Press. V. 1. P. 276–283. Stevenson P.H. 1924. Age order of epiphyseal union in man // American Journal of Physical Anthropology. V. 7. No. 1. P. 53–93. Todd T. 1921. Age changes in the pubic bone // American Journal of Physical Anthropology. V. 4. No. 1. P. 1–70. Zinoviev A.V. 2010. On the investigation of possible remains of Field Marshal Iosif Gurko and his wife Maria (Salias de Turnemir) found in their former estate Sakharovo (Tver Region, Russia) // Bulletin of the International Asso- ciation for Paleodontology. V. 4. No. 2. P. 4–15. On the study of two human skeleton, found the family tomb of Gurko in the settlement of Sakharovo (Tver Region, Russia), and on the attribution of them to Field Marshal Iosif Vladimi- rovich and his wife Maria Andreevna Gurko (born Salias de Turnemir) Prof. A.V. Zinoviev Tver State University, Tver, Russia, email m000258@tversu.ru Two skeletons, found in the tomb of the former estate Sakharovo near the city of Tver, were investigated. Although fragmentary and lacking skulls, according to age of death and anthropometry they most probably belonged to Field Marshal Iosif Vladimirovich Gurko (1828–1901) and his wife Maria Andreevna (Salias de Turnemir) (1838–1906). This conclusion is also supported by the set of historical and taphonomical characters. Keywords : Archaeoanthropology, Sakharovo.
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